I don't get infuriated that often, but sometimes I see these stupid kids and their stupid parents and just want to slap the crap out of both of them. First off, this "news story" has made national headlines and makes it seem like this family is entitled to something. Let me explain a few things about what I am talking about. "Little" Jerry Monaco, Jr. of New Hampshire and his family apparently visited Disney's MGM Studios in Orlando, FL. While having their photo made with a Tigger costumed character, it appears on the video that the Tigger randomly turns and strikes the kid right in the face! WOW! What an atrocity! Something should be done right?
Before you continue in my tirade, please view the video so we are both on the same page.
Click here to see the videoExcellent. As you can clearly see on the video, Jerry Monaco's hand snakes behind Tigger. As this happens, Tigger appears to be pulled backwards and toward Jerry. This is caused by the little bastard pulling on Tigger's tail. As innocuous as this may seem to you, I happen to have a little bit of insider information into the costuming at Disney, considering I worked in entertainment there for over a year.
You see, the Tigger costume is one of the most uncomfortable to wear. The reason for this is the tail belt that you have to wear. This belt has a metal plate that uses your lower back to maintain the rigidity of the tail. This metal plate is approximately 6" wide by 4" tall. It does have a thin foam padding on it but is strapped to your waist.
The problem happens when little spoiled children like Jerry Monaco, Jr. pull on the tail, sharply forcing this steel plate into the base of your spine, forcing you off balance. In the video, you see this happen DISTINCTLY. The hit does not come from anger, as the person in the Tigger costume sees mainly out of the nose. Tigger didn't even know where the little bastard's face was. I find it a little strange that Tigger's tail swings into view at the same time little Jerry's right hand does.
The thing that gets my blood boiling is this kid's beligerent father demanding apologies and even questioning the manhood of the guy behind the mask because he didn't come out and apologize himself. HEY JERRY MONACO: 1. Costumed characters ARE NOT ALLOWED to interact with guests outside of their costume. It's in the handbook. 2. YOUR SON owes Tigger an apology. Ass.