Friday, June 22, 2007

Microsoft Surface: Truth In Advertising

I try not to blog about videos. There are so many out there and so many good (& bad) ones that I would waste FAR too much valuable time with that subject. Whew!

This video happens to reference one of my earlier posts and I almost wet myself watching it.

If you are a regular here (Hi Mom!), you already know about Microsoft Surface. If you don't, scroll down to that story first. Read the story. Visit the website. Come back up here and watch this video. Wow.

Oh yeah. This video DOES CONTAIN ADULT LANGUAGE (meant potty words). Don't blame me. I'm just the messenger.

Microsoft Surface Technology Parody - Watch more free videos

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Go Green With The Michelin Man

Before you get all happy and just click on the link or photo, let me warn you here. If you have a wireless or dial-up connection, this is going to take longer to view than you may be used to.

I'm not usually a big fan of commercials just for commercial's sake and this appears to be one of those things. It's really freakin' cool, though and shows just what technology can accomplish today and in the future.

The site is completely flash and you gotta have it installed to take advantage of the technology.

Click here to see the Michelin Man and his new "green" plan.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Jericho RETURNS!

Screw Paris! This is much more important.

From my earlier post, I was quite upset at the cancellation of one of my favorite shows, Jericho. Now, it seems I was not alone in this travesty.

According to THIS ARTICLE on yahoo news today, Jericho has been revived and given another extension on life. YAAAAAY!

It seems that bloggers and fans everywhere have created such a stir that the network executives have decided to order seven more mid-season episodes.

While I feel that they are still undervaluing their product, its definitely a start. Of course, they lost a lot of their audience last year because they allowed their core audience to drift when the show went on a three-month hiatus.

Low ratings were sited as the reason for the cancellation and the stir of controversy afterward was responsible for the renewed interest in this under rated gem.

I remember Fox executives reviving another cancelled show called Family Guy after DVD sales went through the roof. They simply assumed people weren't watching.

I rarely have time to catch shows at their regularly scheduled times. I typically watch them before bed on my lap top via the internet: My Name Is Earl, Scrubs, Jericho, & Heroes.

BTW, Heroes producers have promised to introduce four new characters over the summer and allow viewers to select who they like best. Knowing what I know about marketing, I'm sure they will find a way to introduce all four new characters into the storyline at some point. Either way, I'll be happy. BRING IT ON!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Send & Receive Large Files

Have a digital video, photo, program, song, etc you want to send someone, but it's too big to send through your 10MB limit G-mail or Yahoo account?

I know I do.

Maybe I'm behind on the times, but I just learned about a really easy way to send it.

You don't even have to sign up, just go to and your file will be uploaded to their website! will send an email to whoever you want the file to go to and they simply go to the website and download it.

Of course, you can always pay for longer and larger storage, but if you need that, you probably already knew about this.

As always, do not send personal information or financial information over unsecured networks or connections.