I made a mistake. I didn't let CBS know how much I came to like Jericho.
I think I may have liked it so much because I was able to watch all the episodes online. I would curl up with my laptop in my uber-soft and luxurious Land & Sky waterbed and fall asleep watching those poor Jericho people in their struggle. I viewed it as a reminder of what we as a civilization are capable of.
Now CBS has killed it. Axed it, if you will. This bothers me.
Just days before, I had been looking forward to finding out how the war plays out. I want to know how the government restructured itself. I want to see some hope!
So damn you CBS! You have left a dangling participle that no one can correct. You have started a book that no one can finish. You have infuriated me.
Oh well. At least Heroes will be back. YAY!

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