Put Down That Soda & LOSE WEIGHT!
Apparently, scientists have now discovered what millions of thin people already know.... It seems that sodas can make you fat! Who knew?Well, I did. I've been telling people that for years. There is a reason I drink water, lemon sweetened tea, or 100% juice. I don't want to be fat.
I don't care what your momma done tole you. I don't care what advertisers want you to think. Fat IS NOT SEXY!
Don't you find it kind of strange when they show those weight loss commercials and the customer goes from an overweight, out-of-shape, can't climb two flights of stairs without sweating profusely tub-of-lard to a svelte, toned, hard-bodied beauty? I don't. In shape is SEXY!
Overeating is not a disease. Its a lack of self-control. Eating too many sugary things is not good for your body or your teeth. Change your diet today, and perhaps you won't have to have a limb amputated and be confined to a motorized wheelchair when you get older because you caused yourself to have diabetes.
Remember, proteins like steak, chicken & pork turn into muscle. Soft squishy things like cupcakes and sugary drinks turns you into the blob (see below). Do the right thing. Put down the Twinky.
is it true that Philip Klein reads this site?
Who is he? and how would I know? Guess I'll check my statcounter and see.
Editors Note :
I, Philip R. Klein, have received EMAILS regarding a post on Trog. I, Philip R. Klein, have not posted on Trog, but I, Philip R. Klein, do read Crap on the Web.
Philip R. Klein
Southeast Texas Political Review
You can find more information on Philip R. Klein at Operation Kleinwatch.
Philip Klein is a douc*e bag. I hope he has a heart attack soon from all the McDonald's he must eat. That SOB can call people out online all day long but I'd like to see him try to call someone out to their face. Talking trash about people from behind a computer screen like he's tough stuff, Mother Fu**** needs to shut his mouth before he says something about the wrong person, does he not live in the real world? Some people actually aren't afraid when you call them out and they'll end up hunting you down and jacking you up, it's not like you can run from anyone fatty. And as for me, i really don't care what smart replies you have to say about this comment of mine, because again, your behind a computer screen wacking off to double cheese burgers, saving mm's in your fat roll's, and you wouldn't ever have the ball's to call someone out to their face. You need to get out of your shell and get in the real world, join the military, oh wait, your too fat for that, why don't you just go fall off of a bridge and save your criticism for the devil when you go to hell. Yeah yeah, your probably going to have something funny to say in reply to this but who the hell really cares? Like i said, anyone can come up with a good comeback when they have all day sitting on there fat a** to think of one. Oh and excuse the harsh language, it kind of wares on someone after a while, i actually have a life serving my country and giving freedom to uselessness like you, Philip.
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