I just wanted to let readers know about the supposed "great" deal that Time Warner is currently offering. They have advertised their digital cable, VOIP (Voice Over Internet Phone), and cable modem package as being $119.00. This is not true!
After filling out an arduous online form (which I don't recommend), over a week passed and I received neither a follow-up email to schedule service nor a phone call. Frustrated, I called Time Warner and sat through another arduous form (this time filled out by a salesperson).
Because I know how some technology companies operate (with hidden fees and what not), I asked the salesperson what, if any, added fees, taxes, and services would be applied with this sale. I was told originally that the costs would be $148 (approximate) and I wondered aloud why. The salesperson went and checked, then told me his first price was wrong and the cost with tax and all would be $126.00 (approximate). I agreed this was a reasonable price and we finalized my hook-up appointment.
A few days later, I rescheduled my appointment to a week later so that my cable, internet, and phone could be installed all at the same time (I work 9-5 and couldn't take two days off). They were originally going to install just the internet and cable with the phone being installed a week later.
Today, I received a call informing me that my installation was scheduled for tomorrow and this made me very happy. The lady on the line made no reference to the $128 I was assuming I needed to pay to get the services connected (you pre-pay for your service). I asked her about it and said I hadn't paid, yet. She went and checked a few records and said that I was correct and had not paid. She asked me how I would like to pay the $148 (approximate).
Of course, this surprised me as I had been told the cost would be $126 (approx). When I asked the girl why it was suddenly $148, she didn't know and put me on hold to find out. The next thing I know, I can tell I was transferred because I hear ring tones again and a different lady picking up the phone asking how she can help me. I tell her, I don't know because I was talking with someone else who was "helping me" and all of a sudden I'm talking with her. I then explain what happened and she puts me on hold.
At this point, I am extremely perturbed at the treatment I am receiving, particularly because I am not yet a customer and I already feel like I am getting ripped off. I was quoted and agreed to a price given to me by one of their salespeople and in less than a week, I am upcharged $20 which they say is because of taxes and a $7.50 monthly rental charge for the equipment.
This makes no sense to me. Why would you charge me an extra $7.50 monthly for equipment that I HAVE to have to be able to use your service. I cannot get digital cable without this equipment, yet they did not include the cost in the original pricing. On what planet does this make sense? I feel I am being cheated out of $240 (the year's compounded extra charges).
I was told they will review the tapes of my conversations with the representatives and will see what was said. When I asked for a copy of the conversations for myself, they refused saying, "They are company property." I said, "Until the subpeona comes in."
Should companies be bound to the statements made by their salespeople? Does this sound like classic bait and switch tactics to you?
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