The Day I Turned Off My Cell Phone
This was approximately three weeks ago. I did it because of receiving a nearly $440 bill because I thought all theses months that I was on a nights & weekends plan, only to finally discover that the NW on my bill DID NOT in fact mean Nights & Weekends. It really stands for Nationwide (which is ONE word!).
I came to the realization that me being able to communicate at the drop of a hat with anyone in the civilized world was not something I was willing to pay almost $100 a month for. I have a lap top, an mp3 player, a radio in my car. I really don't even like half the people I talk to on my cell-phone and half the time, I'm perturbed when they call because of its inappropriateness.
Who really wants to get a call from their mother calling about your insurance while they are occupied by the toilet? Bluetooth headset picks up and momma hears leakage. No thanks. I'm done.
My last entry was about keeping a large corporation to their word. As a follow-up, I would like to report that Time Warner agreed to meet me half-way (I'm sure they discovered they were wrong) and not charge me for the digital cable box for six months. Good thing I don't have a contract. I can drop the service anytime. Excellent.
Since turning off my cell phone, I have blissfully realized what I can and cannot live without. Yes, I still need a cell phone in case of emergencies, but ALL cell phones can still dial 911 as long as there is a signal. I still keep it. It stores my numbers for me, it keeps the date, time, and my date book. It no longer rings. The silence is thrilling.
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